Thursday, September 16, 2010

What has been going on in the last few days or week .....

About a week ago I posted a weekly snapshot.  I will do the same again. 

Before I even get started, Andy Bales of Union Rescue Mission just posted his latest blog entry.  It is worth taking a few minutes to read his piece at

I suppose a good opening for this blog would be the above photo taken with my cellphone.  These are what I refer to as "meal cards".  I carry these with me all the time.  When I am downtown and folks tell me they are hungry and need money for food I offer one of these cards to them.  I also offer to walk them down to Union Rescue Mission.   This can be a tough gig as in many cases folks don't actually want the meal or want the help.  They want cash.  Many become a bit difficult to converse with if you give them a possible avenue to change their lives.....