Sunday, January 1, 2012

Captain Nemo - My Idol

As my first post for 2012 I am resurrecting an older post.  Many of us on this day are looking forward to what the future may hold.  The next Presidential election is this year, the economy is in the trash, we have some of our countries most promising people deployed in harms way thousands of miles away.

I seems we have not learned much from the past when it comes to not repeating the same mistakes we have made before.  Perhaps what the past holds are memories and what gave us experience we utilize today.

I thought I would look back on some of my own past on this day.  A past that has, in some ways join the present as thanks to social media I have reconnected with some of the people who have shared my life when I lived at sea.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea has been my favorite book since I was a child.  The boat I lived on for over three years was named after Captain Nemo.  Below are some of the pieces of my life in the past. 

Some of my friends know this three year story.  Most of you do not.  One of the log entries is below.