Thursday, February 6, 2014

KT-150 Tung Sol vacuum tube

Test results and observations on this new tube offering.

Tube Depot ( great folks) says that a pair will produce 300 watts yet the max plate dissipation is spec'd at 70 watts.  I don't understand that 300 watt figure.  A KT88SV as a side note is 50 watts and a regular KT88 is 42 or so watts.  They run $90 per tube.  

I will be looking at these asking myself ... is there a reason?  How do they sound when driven to distortion?  (A KT88 distorts in a lovely way but a 6550 distorts in a quick and raspy way that is not too pleasant).  Do they last at voltages on the spec sheet?  Most tubes today do not.  How long will they keep going at full rated voltages?  (My standard series of life tests.)  What do their traces REALLY look like?  Design spec drawings are often not close to being accurate.

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