Saturday, January 25, 2020

AT&T - Higher prices / no increase in speed or service content

January 25, 2020

I have been a customer of ATT and Uverse for over a decade.  I generally write long posts but will try to keep this short for a change.

A few days ago I talked to Customer Loyalty / Customer Retention.   I had promotion that was expiring on my Uverse services.  I have the top package, more expensive than other folks or on demand subscriptions of today.  ATT is behind the times but that is another subject.

When I talked to the folks in Loyalty, I was informed that the Uverse would be more expensive AND my Internet would increase by $5.00 a month.  My Internet promotion was quoted / promised, at a specific speed for life.  What good is a promotion for the same amount year after year if they just change the rate?  The Internet is not any faster than it was.  I can get three times the speed elsewhere for less.  I have been procrastinating switching service as I was just lazy and thought the ATT folks were working with me to some degree.  Wrong.

Bottom line.  Higher costs in life are understandable but you generally get something for the higher cost charges.  My content on Uverse TV has not changed.  My Internet speed has not increased.  My costs have just increased, year after year.

I am currently on Twitter with ATTHelp.  They asked for my account number to look into this but I have no confidence in anything being accomplished.  If you doubt my lack of confidence take a look at some of my ATT posts and documents that go back a decade at

I'll update this if there is a reason.