I am putting up a few photos from this afternoon. I will be heading out in a while for the evening to talk to some of these folks, try to feed them a bit of a snack or light meal and do what every I can do to help.
Spending time down on skid row is not complicated. Life is pretty simple for most people, make due from day to day. Choices are easy for me too. I now have a routine that I follow when somebody asks for money. If they ask for money for food and they are anywhere within walking distance of the Union Rescue Mission I take them to the entrance on San Julian Street where the intake for people is ready for them. If they say they do not want to go it is somwhat obvious to me that they just may want money for other uses. If they really need something to eat and some help from folks that can put them on a productive track then there is little reason to not take the URM up on what they have to offer.
Keeping with the concept of simplicity I will post a few photos here from today in simple black and white.
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