Saturday, September 25, 2010

Just because you THINK you can sing .....

A little wrap up on yesterday 9/24/10 and I will add some of 9/25/10 at the end of this entry as well.

Just because you THINK you can sing it does not mean you should put out a CD.  OK, freedom of speech, art, expression, we are all different and on and on and on.  Yes, you may have the right but that does not make it right

I spent the late morning and afternoon at the shop as I had two appointments.  By the time I got home at 3:30pm it was almost 100.  The heat is back.

After a bit of work at the shop Don and I headed over to a place which is walking distance from the shop for lunch.  The next few photos are ... well, lunch. 

I left work about 3:00 to get ready to head out for the evening.   I got home and checked my email.  I learned one of the cool food trucks was going to be in the area on Burbank Blvd.  I already had dinner plans but stopped to say hello. 

If you like bacon these are the folks to see.

Back on the road to Hollywood after a brief stop to say hello to the bacon masters as they were just opening for dinner on a Friday night.

A friend had asked me if I wanted to go to a CD release event at Amoeba Records.  I asked what kind of music?  She did not know but said she thought it could be fun.  This is the same person that took me to that play about women's clothes the other night.  I was a bit concerned.  Then again, how bad could it be?  The title of this blog entry sums it up.

Walking to CD event down Vine 9/24/10. We walked from Carmen Ave in Hollywood which is close to Amoeba where we were headed and very close to the Thai restaurant where we ate later.

Getting ready to cross the street for what was going to be some .... uh ... music at a CD release event with the ... uh ... artist performing. Hopefully the guitarist will switch to a keyboard since he did not play any sort of guitar tone and used a Roland keyboard amp. It was simply horrid.

People that know me will say I am very much to the point and don't hold back much. I seem to have a good track record on making calls on artists and models. I will go the extra mile to help people who do great stuff or have potential. Not much to do or say here other that was has been said.

Cameron Mesirow (Glasser) was having a CD release event. No camera or video was allowed (nothing worth filming or shooting anyway). Here is a short clip where I just pointed my cell at the ground and shot a video so folks can hear the pointless noise that some felt was some form of music. I was not one of them.

How come anybody that "thinks" they can sing thinks they should sing?

Walking in Hollywood after listening to very very very bad music on 9/24/10

Walking up Vine in Hollywood 9/24/10 after we went to a CD release event on our way to dinner. Dinner was up on Franklin at a small Thai restaurant called That Pepper. It was inexpensive and quite good.

This spot has been around forever. Pricy food, prix fixe dinners that are not too expensive considering everything and entertainment.


Today I went out to to do a bit of sporting clay shooting.  I had been using my Beretta 391 autoloader the last few times I went out and seemed shoot better than I had been doing with my 686 over/under.  Today I opted for the O/U as it was hot outside and the less time spent at the cleaning station after shooting the better.

I tried something a bit different today.  Before attempting to shoot at anything that moved I thought I'd hit the pattern boardto confirm my sight picture and confirm what the chokes I had in the gun were actually doing.  A confirmation of fit and a bit of warmup at the same time.

I seemed to shoot whatever I shot the most often better when it came to one gun or the other.  Perhaps this was the main factor?

In the end, taking about ten shots at the pattern board was the right call.  I only missed one clay out of more than a dozen shots taken on station 9.

Angeles Forest today

Warming up at the pattern board

Almost all done cleaning.  Before somebody asks, yes ... that is the bag I also use when I go downtown to carry oatmeal, granola and breakfast bars to the folks on skid row in Los Angeles.  That bag has been in a lot of photos.

102 degrees when I got back home to Burbank.  4:00pm and not really cooling down!

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