Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A bit concerned about my health

Just take me away in cuffs now.....

Help me - I feel as if I am falling and trapped at the same time

Some of you recall my last theater evening. Some of you were even there for a live running commentary with texts, photos and video as I went through the experience.

Tonight I will be going down the same road.

I feel the tension building already.

Thankfully this is not in Westwood this time, it is in Hollywood.

The play is called Dancing With Crazies.

What are the first two things that people picture when they think of me? Clothes and dancing of course! I already went to the play about clothes and survived that event. I guess folks want a second path to terminate me?

The venue is a place called the Lounge Theater in Hollywood. I was told it was cozy and traditional. I am not sure what that means.

What is the play supposed to be about? It is a romantic comedy. Hmmm. My pulse rate is not dropping.

It is about a girl be raised by a single mom. That did not help.

The girl becomes a dancer and travels the world. My friend was trying to win me over.

I told my friend that I was not going to drink the Koolaid.  My friend's sales pitch was not working.

Dinner was offered at Delancy, an Italian restaurant in the area. This brought two things to mind.

(1) They have a good bar. There is hope.

I don't really drink much ... unless I go to the theater :)

(2) What is the thing with Italian food and my Chinese friend?  Just the other night we ate Italian food.  I even posted a few shots on facebook.

The last evening we went to where the theatre was a component of the evening was preceded by the consumption of Italian food. 

Am I missing something? Does a play and Italian food go together in some way that elude my understanding?

Seems as if I was avoiding the subject so I the high point was described to me. The thrill, to amaze me.

This play is about a real person that danced all over the world and was the first person to teach tap dancing in Ghana!

WOW! Does that bring back memories or what!?!?  Did that win me over? 

I felt like a bull in the ring as the Picador stabs those spike things into the shoulder of the bull just before the Matador comes back to finish off the unsuspecting creature.  Once those muscles are damaged by the spikes the bull drops it's head.  Looks dramatic for the audience. The bull now has his horns down as he charges. But the reality is a bit different than what is obvious to the casual onlooker.  The bull is moments away from his final demise.

Tap dancing.  The Picador just delivered my spikes.

Some of you know that one thing I try to hide about my life is that I played the accordion from the age of five to eight. The other secret, buried even deeper, is that I also took tap dancing lessons during that same period. I even had a sheet of plywood in my bedroom that my mother expected me to practice upon. My brother and I used to lean the wood on the bed and slide down it.

I digress.

The evening has all the components in play for the perfect emotional storm.

As always, I will keep many of you informed in real time :)

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