Monday, October 4, 2010

Press conference, ampshow and more

The last week has been very busy.  There was a press conference on 10/1 where showed two new amp models to the media at  press party.  Many friends were there and many random photos were taken, some seen here.

Rather than wear an amp company shirt or music company shirt I wore one of my shirts from Union Rescue Mission ( )   The shirt got a lot of comments, started a lot of great dialogue with others and made a great statement. .....

These are random shots of the day of the press conference at on 10/1/2010, the two days of the 6th annual L.A. Ampshow ( ), friends that came from as far away as Singapore (Sean Thompson) and an entire group from Norway, Maria from Las Vegas, the amps, guitars, players, the butt photo contest which I won (in the male division), some of the meals, friends like Huey Redwine, John March, George Metropoulos, and ....

Thanks to all who came into town from all over the planet and hung at the shop, the show and at dinner last week.

This is how the three days started for the public after a LOT of work by a lot of folks.

The first 1000 steps were taken on this bench by this guy.

Below is the first press video from the folks at Premier Guitar on the new London Pro.  The amp was announced Friday for the first time.  There are already over 100 orders.  Not a big shock as I saw this happen with the Tupelo and Lil' Elvis too.  The production load is not much of a concern at 65 Amps as their crew is used to that sort of thing and just part of a days work over there.

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