Friday, December 31, 2010

On the last day of 2010 things are as confusing as ever

Today there is a story in the National Examiner.  I would have posted a link to this story but there were so many pop-ups and spam when trying to read the article that I just copied and pasted the article and will not be looking at anything from them in the future.

Jobless claims drop; ranks of 99ers seeking tier 5 unemployment extension grow

All dressed up and no place to go.  People from all walks of life

This was a bit of a contradiction.  More smoke and mirrors on the way in 2011?
The seasonally adjusted number of initial jobless claims last week was 388,000, a decrease of 34,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 422,000, the U.S. Department of Labor reported yesterday.
There was that phrase which is so commonly used in the media spin ... seasonally adjusted.

Thankfully the article went on to explain and stated the obvious; the unemployment rate continued to rise.

In November, 42% of unemployed Americans had been looking for work for six months or more, according to the latest available figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The number of 99ers -- those who have exhausted all available benefits -- will continue to rise throughout 2011.

In a devastating portrait of the long-term unemployed, Don Miller of Money Morning wrote recently, "The specter of long-term unemployment will sustain the unemployment rate as the skills of idled workers deteriorate and segments of the labor force are compelled to retrain or move out of the areas of the country that were propped up by the housing bubble. The likely result is that the unemployment rate will fall at only a gradual pace."
The official number of unemployed Americans was 15.1 million in November. The unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent; it was 9.6 percent in each of the prior 3 months.
"Here's the takeaway: Based on the history, pre-recession unemployment rates won't be seen again until at least 2016, and in all probability much later, as idled workers find it harder and harder to land jobs," Miller wrote.
Advocates for the long-term unemployed are attempting to confront this reality with a new campaign to organize, educate, and lobby. Michael Colliss of All247News yesterday released the third in his series "Where Do We Go From Here?" This latest article, titled "Consolidating the Message," follows "Educating the Public" and "Educating the Media."
As they traverse the country desperately searching for work, many 99ers would appreciate even a few words from our President. The following is an email received from reader Lizzie:
"I'm one of the over 99ers who would love to see a tier 5. I am 60 years of age and have applied to about 20 jobs per week for the last 18 months with no replies. Seriously, who would hire me at 60 when they can hire a 20 year old? If anything, congress should consider the seniors who will never find work and have to support themselves. I am too young to collect social security, not destitute enough for state or federal help and so I'm left in this hole with no where to go. My husband and I both lost our jobs in New Jersey and subsequently lost our home. We arrived in Florida because my husband had a job offer which he accepted so we could at least eat. We left everything we know and love a thousand miles away and now if I am not able to get an another extension on my unemployment we will be looking for a place to live again as we will not be able to afford the rent where we are. We used to be a very comfortable middle America family, what the hell happened??? A note to the man in charge: Okay Mr. President, enough with the Hollywood nose rubbing, late night talk shows and football teams, all those people make enough to feed small countries, start concentrating on us little people who worry about food and affording a gallon of gas to get to a job interview. How would you feel if it was your mother in this position? DO SOMETHING."

In another article on the last day of 2010 there was another story out of New Mexico

Unemployment hits 10-year peak in 112 markets, four in NM
New Mexico Business Weekly
New Mexico Business Weekly - by G. Scott Thomas , Special to NMBW
Date: Friday, December 31, 2010, 4:00am MST

Thirty percent of the nation’s 372 labor markets are saddled with their worst unemployment rates in a decade, according to a new study by Buffalo Business First.

A total of 112 markets posted higher jobless rates in October 2010 — the latest month for which official figures are available — than in any October since the beginning of the 21st century.

Four New Mexico cities were in that group. Albuquerque’s 2010 rate of 8.8 percent was its worst for any October since 2000. Albuquerque’s lowest jobless rate was 3.3 percent in October 2007. Las Cruces is at its highest rate.

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