Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Skid Row is no place for Children

The title of this blog post will make a lot of folks sort of say to themselves ....


This is not a place for kids to see let alone a place for them to try to live. 

In a URM newsletter I received today there was a line by Estela Lopez, Executive Director, Central City East Association.  A line that was short, accurate and so very descriptive.  People do not live on Skid Row, they die on Skid Row.

In the holiday news letter for December 2010 there is a section titled Notes from Andy.  If I could have found this on their website I would have copied and pasted his writing.  I would guess his writing will be on the URM website shortly.  Here are a few excerpts:

I won't be sorry to see 2010 end.  This was the most challenging year Union Rescue Mission has ever faced.

Did you know that we're (URM) the only mission in Los Angeles that accepts two-parent families, single dads with children, and families with teenage boys?  That's in addition to all the single men, women and single mothers with children we serve.

No family should have to endure Skid Row yet as I write this, there are 57 families including 130 children living on the 4th and 5th floors at URM in downtown Los Angeles.

URM has moved many families to their Hope Gardens facility where they recently completed one more expansion phase of the facility.  URM can only continue to move ahead with your help.

I also learned from the December 2010 copy of The Mission that Reba McEntire stepped forward and helped Union Rescue Mission.  Well Reba, if you read, this feel free to talk to your friend Brad Paisley and perhaps ask Brad what I do for him.  You racked up a lot of points in my book.  You are a friend of URM and that makes you a friend of mine.  I would be happy to assist your and your band in the future. 
Recently I have posted a few new blog entries on Union Rescue Mission - http://www.urm.org/

Today the folks at URM uploaded a new video.  I shared the URM link on facebook, I shared the link to the video on twitter.  I am also posting it here.

I am hoping that people will pass the link along to as many folks as possible. 

The holiday season is here. 

The holiday season is the most difficult time of the year for the folks at Union Rescue Mission.  The count for services, meals and beds needed are higher than any other time of the year. 

Their donations are lower due to the current economic conditions in our country.  There are more people on
the streets than there were last year or the year before.  

I have written about the 3,000+ meals a day they serve at URM 365 days a year, their services and programs.  Rather than repeat it again just follow this link - http://www.urm.org/services/what-we-do.html

The video below is one more wonderful story of some of the things that URM orchestrates each day to change so many lives.

Myles Rose is the founder of Guitar Amplifier Blueprinting which provides support services and training for touring bands and individuals as well as blueprinting services.   You may contact me from the link.  My direct contact information is provided as well as links to two of the Internet forums where I answer technical questions.  You may also ask questions in any post in this blog by using the comment application on each post.

When I am not doing something related to music I do what I can to support the homeless of Los Angeles either directly on the streets at night or through my good friends at Union Rescue Mission.

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