Monday, August 1, 2011

Invest in Gold?

Personally, I think investing in gold is not the best idea.

I think the price has gone too high due to panic and uncertainty in our government.

Personally, if you want to invest in metal you may want to consider an investment in another heavy metal - lead.

Once you have enough lead collected adopt a new phrase:  In proficiency we trust.  Then practice becoming proficient.

Become proficient with large caliber pieces of lead

Become proficient with small caliber pieces of lead

Become proficient to the level where body armor would not be a concern

Until the economy turns around (and remember, it took decades to create the mess we are in now) you may want to think about adopting the lead standard rather than the gold standard. 

Unless one is deaf and blind you cannot overlook the current economic crisis or the ineffective job our government has been doing.

Housing prices continue to drop, foreclosures continue to rise, 400,000+ Americans lose their jobs every month, the ranks of the unemployed and homeless grow each month.

For more on the economy with possible solutions to the current problems see the companion post at - Can you be as ineffective as our government?

8/19/11 Update

Looks like my advice is receiving a bit of confirmation on at least two levels - economy declining and crime on the increase.    As price of gold climbs, a spike in jewelry store robberies, street muggings and home burglaries

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