Friday, May 18, 2012

Help the Homeless of Los Angeles on June 14, 2012

Los Angeles - Homeless capitol of our nation.

Click on the link below to learn more or purchase a ticket for this event.
I hope to see some of my friends there.
Many of you folks know that I spend time on the streets of Los Angeles, the homeless capitol of our nation, doing what I can to help the homeless.

Union Rescue Mission, the largest mission in the United States, is putting on their annual Heroes for Hope lunch event in Los Angeles on June 14th.  If you are in the area and wish to attend it would be great to see you there.

For the more complete story click on "read more".

Monday, May 14, 2012

Improvement in the U.S. Economy?

Improvement?  I does not seem to be the case.

The last 420+ days of our economy using a diverse model rather than a focus on Wall Street
rather than where our government wishes us to turn our vision.
Click on this chart if you wish a larger version.
My point here is not to make a political statement.  I feel our government, collectively, are a bunch of incompetent fools.  Some of my other thoughts and observations can be seen here:

During the election debates the economy was improving.  Perhaps it was the attention on the antics of the candidates in the media.  Perhaps it was that the Republican party and Tea Party folks were too busy to stop the wheels of government dead in it's track on each and every issue.   Perhaps it was manipulation by the people in office with big business to make things look better and reduce on of the glaring arguments of the opposition.  Perhaps it was dumb luck and chance.

Click on "read more" for the more complete story.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

UPS - not the tightest ship in the shipping business

Drivers instructions were quite clear yet still ignored

Drivers release location was stated by driver as "FRONT DOOR" which was untrue.

It seems that UPS cannot follow simple instructions.   

My package was delivered and left next to my driveway. 

Nowhere near the front door.  Not behind the short wall at the front in the shade. 

The package was left in direct view of the street traffic or anybody walking on the sidewalk.  Kids walking to and from school.

A few weeks ago another package a few blocks away was marked as delivered according to the UPS tracking status.  The package was not received.  The package was reported as not delivered to the sender who sent out a replacement item.  A week later the lost package showed up after the replacement package had arrived.  It would be interesting to know how the driver reported the package as being delivered.

I am not sure what the deal here is with UPS but I am not happy with the driver in my area today ( 5/8/12 ).  

I am not happy with your declining level of service.

June update:  I had another shipment from the same sender and had the same instructions to UPS.  This time UPS did follow the delivery instructions.  I will report future anomalies if there are more of them in this post.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Very bad customer service - Ammoman

Ammoman - the deeper you investigate the more you are surprised that these folks are in business.

The range where I shoot does not allow shooting stuff like this after a serious
accident caused by this ammunition.

It all started when I considered ordering one of their products.

Click on "read more" below for the complete story.