Friday, May 18, 2012

Help the Homeless of Los Angeles on June 14, 2012

Los Angeles - Homeless capitol of our nation.

Click on the link below to learn more or purchase a ticket for this event.
I hope to see some of my friends there.
Many of you folks know that I spend time on the streets of Los Angeles, the homeless capitol of our nation, doing what I can to help the homeless.

Union Rescue Mission, the largest mission in the United States, is putting on their annual Heroes for Hope lunch event in Los Angeles on June 14th.  If you are in the area and wish to attend it would be great to see you there.

For the more complete story click on "read more".

Tickets are $25 each.  Not even close to what one would pay for a political figure lunch or dinner yet way more effective in making a change than what I have seen our elected people do for our city, state and country.

You can purchase tickets at 

I am honored to be one of the folks Union Rescue Mission has chosen to be part of this event.

If you cannot attend but wish to help feel free to head to the URM website at where you can learn more, donate if you wish, grab links to spread the word or help in other ways.  Heck, you can even donate via paypal (I was the first donation using the paypal application which was cool for me).  

You can even text to donate.  You can feed 5 people for $10 in less than 30 seconds.  To donate $10 to Union Rescue Mission, text the letters URM to 85944. You will receive a confirmation text message. Reply with the word YES to complete the transaction.

June 9, 2012 Update:

This morning I checked my email where there was an email from Jacqui Groseth, Chief Development Officer at Union Rescue Mission. She was asking for a little more additional information for the upcoming lunch on June 14.

Hi Myles,

Is it ok to mention that you are also served our country?   It’s sort of missing from the short version and I wanted to make sure it’s ok with you before I add it.  


My reply:


Sure.  I forgot about that.  The military was not a choice.  Bringing attention toward the homeless situation is a choice.  Guess why one is important to me and the other is just something that has been done by millions.  Now if we can get 10% of the vets out there to do something each day to help the homeless ....  I don't care if it is a donation in cash or items, I don't care if it is talking to one other person about the issues each day, I don't care if it is passing on a news story or spending some time talking to somebody living on the street to which is an education in itself.  Do something.

Speaking of education I do have a formal education and an M.A. in Architectural Engineering.  I don't think about that much.  I do think about what I have learned on the street from the people who live there.  How they got there, how they survive there and how URM has given direction to so many who had nowhere to go.

Just the yesterday I was talking to somebody who had a newspaper in my car.  She pointed out a news story about some program that provides housing in Los Angeles to the most needy of the homeless, the chronically homeless, or something of the like.  I became irritated.  I suggested she talk to the folks at URM and get the real story.  I told her that I have watched many of these programs fail.  You cannot provide a roof for a person without a support system.  They need direction, food, a way to pay for everyday things and items.  They need a reason to change.  To pick the worst case folks to provide a roof, people who have made a lifestyle out of not evolving, not changing and doing nothing to have direction in their life is little more than a totally effective recipe for failure.

Yes, I went off on a bit of a rant just as I seem to have done here.  URM programs provide direction and if somebody truly wants to make a change they can accomplish that task.

Sorry for the long winded dissertation, or should I say ... diversion, on my military service.  I guess I got a bit off track after a bit of talk on the subject from last night.

Then again, I guess I cannot really use that as an excuse as I talk about the subject every day.



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