Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dish Network - Next on the list of bad customer service?

The screen snapshot here pretty much sums up the issue so far....

The story at this point ....

(click on "read more" to continue)

My family requested that they end their Dish Network contract.  They had been happy with the service but with their kids going off to college there was no more need for the service.

Dish was contacted.  Service was terminated.  

When service was initiated they came to the house to deliver the equipment.  Not the case when you end your service.  They want you to return the equipment within a specific amount of time or you are charged for the equipment.  Initially they said it would take five to six weeks to receive a box to return the equipment.  Five to six weeks? 

The box never arrived.  The customer called to ask where the box was after they received a call from Dish asking why the equipment had not been returned.  Dish was informed that the box never arrived.  I told the customer that next time they talk to Dish they need to ask for an email copy of the UPS delivery and tracking information as I suspect the customer was not told the truth. Perhaps this is a way Dish also generates additional revenue?

Dish said they are sending another box.  I will wait and see if there are more problems next week or in the future.  This sort of service is generally a big red flag of things to expect.

I have contacted them on twitter and have a dialogue going on with them now.  Things look as if they are being passed from one person to another.  No single point of contact.  Nobody taking any responsibility or being the least bit proactive.

I told my friend, the Dish customer, to contact their bank and stop all future payments to Dish Network.  I think my confidence level in future problems is high.

Some of my twitter dialogue

You say you send box for equipment return. Box never arrives. You then say you will charge customer for equipment.

- currently receiving bad service. You took no action, just tossed the problem back to the customer.

The direct messages

Dish:  I know this can be frustrating and I am happy to help you today! Would you please provide me the phone number on the account? *MH

I replied with the phone number.

Dish:  (customer name)  thanks for the phone number on the account today! What is the address the boxes were to be sent to? *MH

Me:  I am not (customer name). I am the one following her problem. You contact her and give her ONE direct single point of contact.

Dish:  If she would like us to contact her please advise her to contact us. *SH
(note that the problem was already passed from MH to SH.  This is the first sign of more problems and the customer having to repeat their story over and over and over and .....)

Me:  She already has contacted you. Dish has let her down more than once already. I will track this issue and perhaps work up a story.

Me:  I am not satisfied with your customer service at this point. You took no responsibility and just tossed the problem back.

I will continue to watch this situation develop.  

July 19, 2013 - It looks as if the equipment returned to Dish has been received by them via a confirmation call.  Now I will wait to see if they stop charging the customer now that service has been terminated.  

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