A little more information

The two main activities in my life: Helping the hungry in the late hours of the night and helping guitar players sound better one amp at a time.

I always try to remember that in order to do good one has to take action and actually do something.

I was born and raised in Los Angeles. I have watched the city and Southern California change for well over half a century.

I can be found on facebook at www.facebook.com/mylesr or on twitter at www.twitter.com/myles111us

As of late 2019 the music related links and prints noted on this page which had their links to by GAB (Guitar Amplifier Blueprinting) website are no longer accessible. I grew weary of updating my GAB website and let it go away. You can contact me on Facebook. Saunders Stewart Models continues full operation but we are not accepting new clients without a referral.

Los Angeles Architectural History

Los Angeles Architectural History
1935 Art Deco at some of its finest: No. 168 - Griffith Observatory- (click on the photo for information)
Showing posts with label att. Show all posts
Showing posts with label att. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2020

AT&T - Higher prices / no increase in speed or service content

January 25, 2020

I have been a customer of ATT and Uverse for over a decade.  I generally write long posts but will try to keep this short for a change.

A few days ago I talked to Customer Loyalty / Customer Retention.   I had promotion that was expiring on my Uverse services.  I have the top package, more expensive than other folks or on demand subscriptions of today.  ATT is behind the times but that is another subject.

When I talked to the folks in Loyalty, I was informed that the Uverse would be more expensive AND my Internet would increase by $5.00 a month.  My Internet promotion was quoted / promised, at a specific speed for life.  What good is a promotion for the same amount year after year if they just change the rate?  The Internet is not any faster than it was.  I can get three times the speed elsewhere for less.  I have been procrastinating switching service as I was just lazy and thought the ATT folks were working with me to some degree.  Wrong.

Bottom line.  Higher costs in life are understandable but you generally get something for the higher cost charges.  My content on Uverse TV has not changed.  My Internet speed has not increased.  My costs have just increased, year after year.

I am currently on Twitter with ATTHelp.  They asked for my account number to look into this but I have no confidence in anything being accomplished.  If you doubt my lack of confidence take a look at some of my ATT posts and documents that go back a decade at https://la-economy.blogspot.com/2012/07/at-so-wrong-in-every-way-part-ii.html

I'll update this if there is a reason.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Donald Trump - Make America Great?

Seems this fellow thinks he can change things in America on the employment by putting some attention in the area of foreign trade, or taxes, or business practices or .....

Hey Mr. Trump.  Open your eyes.  The biggest problem we have here in America is that some of our largest companies not only send jobs overseas (I talked to ATT customer service people this weekend in India and the Caribbean), but also talked to supervisors in San Antonio Texas.  Many (actually, most, if you read the two pieces where employees are noted by name, ID, time and date) of those they employ are incompetent, not empowered to take action to resolve problems, they pass the customer from one person to another only to have the dialogue repeat, and are technically inept, to start the proverbial list.

Mr. Trump.  As long as the employees of our "flagship" corporations hire people that do not take pride in their work, cannot think outside the box, show little skill in the areas of people skills, make the customer feel that they are of little or no value, the lynch pin of your plans is flawed to say the least as the very foundation of corporate America is in shambles.

You say that you will make changes over time and things will improve?  Look at the two links below to my experiences with ATT / Uverse since 2010.  Thing were awful but then improved.  This cycle was repeated a number of times only to end up in the proverbial toilet once again.



The first link is the most current, latest antics at the end of the piece.  Two parts were necessary as the activity and documentation grew too large to add to the original piece.

1,175,826 reads of these two parts since November 2010.  23,918 reads since yesterday of the latest ATT / Uverse antics since 26 March 2016, less than three days.

As far as who may be your opposition, Hillary Clinton .....  It was under the Obama Administration that the historic profits for ATT and rate increases came and were tolerated if not outright supported.

I am not trying to turn this into a political piece.  I am just stating that you look pretty darn foolish in my eyes when you wear that hat or utter those words based on personal experience and observation.

#trump #att #clinton #uverse #sanders #cruz #economy #obama #democrat #republican #abc7eyewitness

Friday, July 27, 2012

AT&T - so wrong in every way part II

This post has gotten so long it is hard for blogger to save.

I am continuing this post here.  Scroll to the bottom of this piece for the latest, most current, information as this is an ongoing audit trail.

Part 1 can be viewed at http://la-economy.blogspot.com/2010/11/at-so-wrong-is-every-way.html

July 27, 2012

A new problem.

Click "read more" to continue.....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

AT&T Watchdog - the latest

There are two main pieces I wrote and continue to update on ATT.  This is the second ongoing piece.

You can read the original companion piece  (which is updated often as is this piece) at

The original piece at the above link are some of my own ATT issues which started in November of 2010.

The focus of the piece is multi-faceted and includes my own service problems on a variety of problems, customer service ineffectiveness, policy changes by ATT which announce limited service at increased costs, Uverse changes, DSL policy changes, service interruptions and more.

This piece takes more of a focus on ATT buying up the competition and reducing service, raising prices and changing contracts.

I am surprised that any corporation such as Netflix, Hulu, Skype, World of Warcraft or any folks whose business is any sort of online gaming, video streaming, music streaming or our government would allow ATT to change their original agreement for unlimited data for what is in essence, the world. 

As our economy is trying to climb out of the abyss I cannot believe that our government is allowing ATT to buy up competition to raise prices and reduce services.  It is the job of ATT to grow their network, not to take away service, raise prices and eliminate competitors buy buying them.

Shame on ATT.  Shame on our Government for allowing one of the few places business is growing in this economy (Internet based businesses) to be smacked down by ATT with their newly implemented data caps.  These caps impact their DSL services, Uverse services and cell based services. 

ATT - some news on Sam Brownback, Governor of Kansas.   ATT is the second largest contributor to Govenor Sam Brownback's campaign.  ATT is also moving to Kansas.  Makes you think?  Our government is watching out for us?  Yeah, right.

Some folks might ask me; if the service is so bad why not switch?  Well, as the old phrase goes, evil can only take hold when good men do nothing.  In reality, I can only be a direct observer if I continue to be a customer.  I have met a few good people at ATT over the course of my ongoing journey and hope that they can influence the direction of a company which was once a company in America where our country had pride.  Unfortunately this is not the case today.  Survey after survey rank ATT customer service as the worst in any industry.  At the height of the BP oil disaster the perceived service view of many might have been that BP retained a better customer service image than ATT.

Click on "read more" for the entire ongoing story.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

AT&T - so wrong in every way

On November 23, 2010 I pulled up to my house after a day at the shop.  There was an AT&T truck parked directly in front of my house.

I walked into my house and turned on my television.  It did not work.